UML 2 Certifications

Unified Modeling Language (UML) 2 Certification exams test an individual's ability to properly interpret and construct UML model diagrams in the way UML is used today.
There are three UML 2 certifications exams: Foundation, Intermediate and Advanced.
To register for an UML 2 Certifications exam create a Pearson VUE account.
The UML 2 Foundation (prerequisite to UML 2 Intermediate and Advanced exams) certification exam tests an individual's knowledge of a subset of the most used UML behavioral and structural diagram types and UML elements and attributes needed to design and implement real, practical and everyday systems. The individual is also tested on why certain domains use software modeling and the benefits they derive therefrom. This UML 2 certification level is intended to certify practitioners whose depth of UML knowledge and skill supports proficient model building and interpretation. With an UML 2 Foundation certification, a model user is well-equipped to interpret UML diagrams while a model builder is prepared to work on a modeling team. Click the UML 2 Foundation button below to view and download detailed exam information.
The UML 2 Intermediate (prerequisite to UML 2 Advanced exam) certification exam extensively tests an individual's knowledge of the most appropriate UML elements and attributes of structures frequently used in complex and larger system models. With a UML 2 Intermediate certification, a model builder is well-equipped to design and generate interoperating modules, improve upon other models and clearly explain the full UML diagram suite to model users. Click the UML 2 Intermediate button to view and download detailed exam information.
The UML 2 Advanced certification exam tests an individual's knowledge on the complete UML palette of elements and attributes available for modeling structure and behavior in up to the largest of system models as well as metamodeling based on other specifications in the UML family (Alf, fUML and MOF). With a UML 2 Advanced certification, a model builder is the company UML guru at the highest level of technical management, leading workgroups and presentations, making decisions on analysis, design and development proposals and evaluating their results. Click the UML 2 Advanced button to view and download detailed exam information.
Thanks to the UML 2 certifications and other certificates I possess, I am perceived by the IT industry as an experienced professional. The result is very measurable: my hourly rate has increased twice over last 3 years!
Szymon Ziolo (Founder & Lead Consultant @ RedPill)
The skills I acquired through the UML 2 certification program greatly influenced how I analyze, design and implement complex software systems for customers in a proficient way.
Ali Adnan Malik (Senior Consultant @ ALTEN)