SYSML Certifications

System Modeling Language (SysML) certification exams objectively validate a candidate's knowledge and skills in SysML as applied to model-based systems engineering (MBSE). The examinations were designed by SysML & MBSE experts including many of whom co-authored the SysML specification.
OMG and the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) worked closely to develop the SysML specification, its application to MBSE and its certification exam which nicely complements INCOSE's Systems Engineering Professional Certification Program. Explore the INCOSE-OMG Mutual Recognition Program for reciprocal discounts between programs and other benefits.
Anyone who uses SysML will benefit from SysML certifications.
There are four SysML certification exams: Model User (MU), Model Builder Fundamental (MBF), Model Builder Intermediate (MBI) and Model Builder Advanced (MBA).
To register for a SysML certification exam create a Pearson VUE account.
The SysML Model User (prerequisite to all SysML MB exams) certification exam tests an individual's ability to interpret and understand SysML models, covering fundamental concepts and elements of all 9 SysML diagram types plus an additional set of concepts that cut across diagram types. With a SysML Model User certification, an individual will be a productive member (e.g., engineer, software developer, hardware designer or test engineer) of a systems development team employing a MBSE approach using SysML. Click the SysML MU button below to view and download detailed exam information.
The SysML Model Builder Fundamental (prerequisite to the remaining SysML MB exams) certification exam tests an individual's knowledge and skills required to construct a basic SysML model of a system, covering model concepts and organization, purposes and benefits of modeling a system, basic requirements for capture and management, structure and behavior models, parametric models, allocation relationships, and use of stereotypes. With a SysML Model Builder Fundamental certification, an individual will be a productive contributor (e.g., reliability engineer or quality test engineer) in modeling tasks performed by a systems engineering team employing a MBSE approach using SysML. Click the SysML MBF button below to view and download detailed exam information.
The SysML Model Builder Intermediate (prerequisite to the SysML MBA exam) certification exam tests an individual's knowledge and skills used to develop system models using the full SysML feature set enabling more detailed and precise modeling of requirements, structure, behavior, and parametric constraints as well as those needed to define inter-relationships among model elements and diagrams, and assess aspects of model quality including conformance to language and method constraints. With a SysML Model Builder Intermediate certification, an individual is fit to be a system modeling lead on a project or a top-ranked team member (e.g., lead systems engineer) who contributes independently to the model or system. Click the SysML MBI button below to view and download detailed exam information.
The SysML Model Builder Advanced certification exam tests an individual's knowledge and skills required to establish and support a systems modeling culture and environment, leveraging the capabilities of SysML and MBSE across the organization. High level topic areas include concepts for adapting SysML (e.g., metamodeling, profiles, model libraries and viewpoints), approaches to integrating SysML with other modeling languages (e.g., UML, MARTE, UPDMTM, and Modelica), approaches to integrating SysML modeling tools with other types of engineering tools (requirements management tools and configuration management tools) and methodology-related concepts and practices (e.g., assessment of the quality of the model). With a SysML Model Builder Advanced certification, an individual will play a lead role in establishing SysML-based MBSE at an enterprise or extending its penetration into new departments or product areas as well as define and establish new projects and support them through their lifecycle. Click the SysML MBA button below to view and download detailed exam information.