Standardization and Semantics Subgroup
This subgroup will explore the potential role of AI in standardization, gathering use cases from the digital twin and extended reality areas to identify scenarios in vertical industry domains and horizontal technologies where standardization would be beneficial. It will explore the role of AI and formal semantics in data integration, enabling implementation of FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable) principles.
Standards Pipeline: Consortia to Standardization
- Taking as input the use cases and case studies curated by the other subgroups, explore the potential for standardization in areas where digital twin technologies and extended reality (XR) intersect with AI, vertically across industry sectors and horizontally across technology architectures.
- Identify the most appropriate standardization venue for potential new standards initiatives, including but not limited to the OMG SDO.
- Consider how different classes of AI may assist in the documented use cases.
- Consider how AI may provide regulatory or risk related challenges that may be addressed by standards, in particularly for newly emerging classes of AI such as generative AI.
- Consider and advise on where a given business problem may be addressed by AI solutions versus when that same problem is better addressed by standards, or by some combination of both.
Standards Pipeline
- This subgroup will act as a source of knowledge for the other sub-groups on existing standards that may be of relevance to AI applications and challenges in the areas of digital twins and XR.
- Provide a conduit for knowledge about relevant standards, published both by the OMG SDO and by other standards bodies, making this information available to the other AI JWG subgroups and to the OMG Consortia as a whole.
- Provide references to other resources relevant to the intersection of AI, Digital Twins and XR, such as the Metaverse Standards Forum.
Collaborate with Consortia and Industry Standards Bodies
- Coordinate efforts with other working groups of the AI JWG, to OMG Consortia as a whole, and other standards bodies to ensure alignment of standardization efforts in AI and AI-related digital twin, XR and Metaverse standards and responsible AI.
- Provide an initial framework for a Terminology and Glossary for AI related concepts and their terms, which can subsequently be completed by AI JWG participants. This will maintain a separation between terms (words) and concepts.
- Provide guidance on the development and use of formal ontologies. These are a kind of resource in which the meanings of concepts are expressed in unambiguous formal logic.
- Consider ontologies as representing a particular class of AI application (called “symbolic AI”) and provide guidance on the potential use of this class of application, for example in automated reasoning solutions.
- Collate references on emerging classes of semantics-enabled applications, such as “Hybrid” solutions in which generative AI solutions are enhanced by the use of formal ontologies. Consider aspects of these emerging classes of applications that may be standardized, considering where they are in the technology adoption curve and when would be the appropriate times to consider standardization of solutions as these reach the appropriate level of maturity.
- Explore the roles of AI and semantics in integration of data from multiple sources, enabling the implementation of FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable) data management principles.